Welcome to the fabulous world of poetry! I am so excited to study poetry with you this semester.

As we study this semester I want you to think about...
Why write poetry?
Why Study poetry?
Why is it that for thousands of years human beings have been creating and thinking and writing down their thoughts in the form of poetry?
These are all fabulous questions; ones that I hope you will answer for yourselves this semester.
I believe we love poetry because it is alive, it is the expression of humanity. Poetry is full of emotion, passion, opinions, beauty, anger, hope, dreams, fears...it is the window into our souls. Part of being human is the desire to express ourselves. I believe poems are the expression of what is inside each of us, and each poem is written because of a need to express our emotions.
Poems allow us to express a moment, a feeling, an idea as truthfully and carefully as possible so that each reader can feel the essences of the emotion behind it.
There are so many poems, types of poems and ways to express ourselves. I can't wait to get started!☺
Once you have set up your blog please write your first post. Tell me why you are studying poetry. What is your experience with poetry and how do you feel about it? Why do you think so many people either love or hate poetry? What do you hope to gain from your experience with poetry?
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